* Bulk-billing available. For individuals with a current care plan in place a $52.95 rebate can be claimed from Medicare. Private health rebates may apply.

Weight loss package
Initial diet and lifestyle assessment
Personalised meal plan and recipes
4 x review consultations.
Educational resource package
(*before private health fund rebates)
Bariatric Surgery package
Initial dietary assessment and pre-surgery diet guidelines
5 x review consultations
Personalised meal plans and recipes for each stage of the diet transition post-surgery.
Educational resource package
(*before private health fund rebates)
Medical Nutrition Therapy Package
Initial diet and lifestyle assessment
Personalised meal plan and recipes
2 x review consultations
Educational resource package
(*before private health fund rebates)
Food Intolerance package
Initial diet and allergy assessment
3 x review appointments
Personalised elimination diet guidelines and plan
(*before private health fund rebates)
Individual consultations
A comprehensive one-on-one consultation to assess current diet and lifestyle, specific clinical and/or nutritional issues and goals of treatment. A personalised meal and nutrition action plan will also be provided.
Individual consultations can be provided at one of our medical centre locations, our home office on the Gold Coast or within the comfort of your own home.
NDIS registered
All of our dietitians are registered as NDIS providers and experienced in providing nutritional recommendations for those with disabilities and living in supported accommodation. Our NDIS dietitians are familiar with the reporting requirements and organisational structure of the NDIS and can provide home visits, detailed meal plans and recipes, cooking lessons and staff training if required.
Aged care consulting
Malnutrition can be extremely prevalent in residential aged care facilities and its consequences can be far-reaching. Decreased mobility, increased falls risk, increased susceptibility to infection and poor wound healing are among its potential sequelae, which has a flow on effect on medication, treatment and staffing costs.
Through a thorough understanding of the nutritional issues faced by the elderly and experience working with staff in the residential aged care setting, Apple-A-Day Dietetics dietitians are able to provide professional and practical nutritional advice and support.
We offer:
- Individual consultations
- Menu reviews
- Nutrition screening and assessment
- Education sessions for staff
Food Industry Consulting
Lisa Adams has consulted to several food companies and also worked in a sales role for a company providing specialised nutrition and hydration products to hospitals and residential aged care facilities. She provided nutritional input during the development of a leading fluid thickener. She can review the medical literature to provide evidence based nutritional information to food manufacturing companies.